[choosing my confessions]

fallen from grace jim the bundle of boo cat


7:27 AM

i just had a brilliant interaction with someone i work with. we had a fabulous conversation about his son and how they finally bonded during their latest time together [he is a noncustodial parent] and my daughter and how her tiny little self is kicking my ass, and about llamas and work and caffeine and this and that and the other, and while it doesn't sound like much, it really was wonderful. i was charming and funny and never at a loss for words and yet, about five minutes into it, even though i was thoroughly enjoying myself, i started thinking, "okay, time to go."

my antisocialness is deep-rooted.
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5:37 PM

james brown freaks me out, and not in a good way. in a he's not well kind of way. in a cross to the other side of the street to avoid passing him on the sidewalk kind of way.
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