[choosing my confessions]

fallen from grace jim the bundle of boo cat


2:28 PM

this reminds me of dana. the monkeys, you know...
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1:39 PM

my heart bleeds for this girl.

okay, that is a little melodramatic but all i can think of is sophie, working her ass off for years to make the grades and complete the courses necessary to get into the college she wants, only to be slapped down by some idiotic bureaucrat and told the only place she will ever be allowed to work is mcdonalds.

not that there is anything wrong with mcdonalds.

i will never let that happen to her. sophie, i am making you a promise, if you are excluded from medical school by an idiotic politician, we are moving to sweden. or australia. or mars.

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9:06 AM

i am of the generation that thought we could have wild unprotected sex just like our predecessors, only to be slapped with the reality of aids in our burgeoning adulthoods.

aids scares me to death. watching a continent of people overcome by the disease makes me want to cry and then fly to africa to adopt all the children left without parents.

the last paragraph of this story scares me almost more than everything else, and makes me want to shake those idiots until they see clearly again.
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2:21 PM

excuse me whilst i bitch obliquely:

i just hate it. hate it. when i am brought in on a project to do something specific and i then do that thing, and do it well and frequently and then someone, who has not been doing that thing for quite some time and is in fact the reason i was brought on in the first place, says to me, "i really wish you hadn't done that" when i do the thing i am supposed to be doing.

project management by obfuscation is so not a good thing and i refuse to get sucked into the little games going on behind the scenes of this particular project.

that said, i love my company and most of these covert machinations are occurring in the ranks of the other companies working with us.

oblique bitch mode now at an end.
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11:49 AM

i love geraniums.

they were marked down to 75 cents at eagle, so i bought ten of them, as well as some marigolds for accent. i still have dirt embedded under my fingernails from all the potting, but my back porch is so colorful it makes your eyes hurt. too bad these pictures don't show it in all its glory.

geranium city geranium city

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11:47 AM

so my father is coming for a visit on july 6th which means i spent this weekend starting to panic about cleaning the house. i need a maid.

and speaking of houseguests, i was looking in on sophie this morning, before leaving for work, and as she was sleeping so quietly in her crib, looking every bit the angel she is, i thought how strange it still is to have her in my life. sometimes it feels as though she is a visitor and any minute now she will go away and leave me childless again. i'd hate that. she is the coolest. i'd go through nine months of puking for her all over again.
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8:05 PM

woohoo! i was carded tonight. for cigarettes. when the cashier asked me for my birthday, i thought he must really be asking about sophie, wanting to know how old she was. so i asked, incredulously, "my birthday?" when he nodded yes, i rattled off, "september 28 1962." he shook his head, then turned to sophie and said, "your mommy doesn't look that old."

sadly, i couldn't tell jim the story as i wasn't supposed to be buying cigarettes since we are supposed to be quitting. sucks. i only smoke 1 or 2 a day, right before i go to bed. i love those cigs. jim, on the other hand, smokes a pack or more a day. it's not fair to him if i keep smoking when he is trying to quit so i thought i'd best quit too, remove the temptation of having tobacco in the house. then i thought, nah, just have the smoke when he is asleep, have it outside, no harm no foul.

being who i am, however, i couldn't hide it and 'fessed up to the purchase the next day. good thing too, as he was almost out and wasn't sure he was really ready to quit. diet + small child + my working long hours = need for tobacco so as not to become raving madman.
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9:34 AM

the bugaloos!! i used to love those little buggy peoples.
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8:11 AM

all these people concerned with cheating death. the more i hear about genetic manipulations and immortal cows and the fabulous things we can do to our bodies with technology, the more i decide perhaps i am a closet luddite after all.

i mean, i'll wear glasses, but i'm not real keen on little machines crawling around my body doing microsurgery. and i really don't want to live forever because like it or not, people, that means working for a living for a very very very long time.
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2:07 PM

netscape. je deteste.
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10:55 AM

father's day afternoon, i had to make an emergency grocery run to get garlic bread and ice. rather boring and the errand was completely mindless and mundane until i was most of the way home. just before i drove past the state park, i saw a fluttering in the middle of the road.

it was a bird, madly flapping its wings, but unable to get more than a few inches off the ground. it was turning in crazy frantic circles, like a helicopter in freefall. i don't know if it had been clipped by a passing car and was injured just enough to disable flight but not enough to enable death, or if something else was wrong, but it creeped me out. i felt helpless and wrong watching it as i drove by. i kept thinking to myself, "if i were a more compassionate person, i would stop. i would gently wrap the bird in a towel or a sweater or whatever is hiding in the backseat that would wrap itself around a bird, and i would take it to the vet. or i would be cruelly compassionate and wring its little neck. i should stop. i should help it. i should be a better person."

instead, i just kept driving, studiously avoiding the rearview mirrors until i was a mile farther down the road.
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12:21 PM

[-11] i should be grateful, as we went off the diet for the weekend and i ate pasta. i mean a lot of pasta. with garlic bread. and dessert. not to mention the half can of deluxe mixed nuts [no peanuts!] that constituted my breakfast and lunch.
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6:28 PM

sometimes i am so indecisive as to be completely scary. and stupid. i am dying of thirst and after opening the cabinet and staring at the glasses for five minutes, unable to decide out of which one i want to drink, i walked out of the kitchen, thirst unquenched.

i need to march back in there and stick my head under the tap if necessary.
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9:26 AM

[-10] even with the rice and peanut sauce cheat of yesterday. okay, it wasn't really much of a cheat, more a taste. a nibble. a gastronomic dabbling. which is far superior to a gastronomic dribbling.
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9:20 AM

i think the cat has alzheimer's.

i feed her, put the food right in front of her and she starts to eat. then she hears something, or has an itch, or just plain spaces out in her little furry brain and wanders away from the food dish. doesn't matter how far she wanders, can be as little as a foot or as much as a house length; the point is she is distracted from the still relatively full food bowl. so she whines and she bitches and she meows at the top of her little tiny lungs. "i'm staaaaaaaaaaaaarving! feeeeeeeeeeeeeeed me! i haven't eaten in aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages!" so i find the beast and pick her up and put her in front of the food again and she looks at it and looks at me and looks at it and looks at me and sniffs at it and looks at me and then starts with the whining again. "this is ooooooold fooooood! it's been here for eeeeeeeeeeeever! i can't eat old foooooooooood!"

i go through this little ritual every evening, and every morning. i won't even get into the times she gets lost in the house and spends ten minutes yowling because she thinks she has been abandoned.
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2:36 PM

it's hard to explain what exactly a program manager does. i write spec, i go to more meetings than i can count, i schmooze clients. but this week, i can sum up the job quite succinctly: keep the geeks happy.

we are in the final stages of a high profile, high prestige job. we have a hard deadline of jun23. we have bugs.

i've been running up and down halls asking for status updates and offering to make coffee runs. i handwalk menus from office to office and then pick up three boxes worth of thai food. i make offers of dancing girls and cake. i tell them they are wonderful fabulous miracle workers.

i get home too late to do anything of note.
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1:02 PM

this place is getting all cryptonomicon on us.

i want to find a little island off the coast of somewhere and start my own sovereign principality.
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8:10 AM

the doctor who told me, at age sixteen, that having a baby would lessen the painful cramping of my subsequent periods was apparently, just like the exterminator, a big. fat. liar.

i feel like diogenes, searching for an honest professional.
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9:04 AM

the carpenter ants are back.

when we returned from germany last month, there was a giant pile of sawdust on sophie's windowsill. i stood staring at it, like an idiot, trying to figure out what the hell it was when i heard that horrible screetch screetch scratch scratch bugs in the wall noise that completely freaks me out every time i hear it. then i saw the big black ant stick his head out of a hole above the curtain rod, spit out the bit of wood out of his mouth, and then disappear.

luckily it is in the structure, so the condo association has to deal with it and deal they did promptly. the exterminator squirted stuff in the hole then sealed it up and assured us no more buggies.

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3:20 PM

whenever i'm too stressed for my own good, i go here and look at all the goofy little faces.
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2:43 PM

we watched run lola run yesterday afternoon, just in time to return the video to the library.

i loved it. the test for greatness in a foreign language film, for me, is when you are no longer aware you are reading subtitles and it almost seems as though the characters are speaking english. that happened rather quickly into the film. it's all about running and alternative realities and the butterfly effect and it made me really tired just watching that poor girl run through the streets of berlin. it was cool, though, to be able to point at places and yelp, "i've been there, i've been there."

i am going to practice turning that yelp into a full-on earpiercing shriek, so i can break glass. just like lola.
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1:24 PM

i dyed my hair on saturday. my mother and i bought a box of color in germany, meaning to wash that grey right out of my hair, but we never got around to it. probably a good thing, as my oma's bathtub is old porous porcelain and i don't think it would have been improved with a black-red rinse.

schwartzkopf rouge-noir.

it is a very german color. there seem to be a lot of black-red, black-purple heads over there these days. the best part is the clear screaming red color all the grey has become -- like natural highlights.

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11:28 AM

[-8] but it is really [-10], i think. we bought a new scale this weekend, with LED readout to make life easier in the early morning, and they weigh differently. i am going with the LED version from now on so i will just have to suck up the phantom 2 pounds.
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9:21 AM

another addiction. my best score is 11. one day i will clear the bloody thing.
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8:22 AM

[-7] or maybe [-8] i need a digital scale so i don't have to peer, blearyeyed, at that little needle and dial in the early morning.

i love how easy it is to lose weight at the beginning of a diet. it's like nature's way of saying go team! go! get you all excited about how the diet is working and keep you on track for the first few weeks. without that rush at the beginning i don't think i could stay dedicated to the plan for more than a few days.

i stayed up too late last night watching the stanley cup game. i don't even like hockey normally, but new jersey jim is all about the devils so i started watching with an eye toward telling him what had happened and before i knew it, i was waiting for the third overtime period to start. of course, i went to bed then, and the game ended minutes later. i should have stuck it out.
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11:12 AM

[-5] yes, i weighed this morning, in spite of myself.

i finally watched the thin red line last night. i enjoyed it much more than saving private ryan, which is the film it was most compared to last year. i am tired of steven spielberg slapping me over the head with his version of morality and what i should be feeling about whatever it is he is filming. i much prefer to see a story and make my own conclusions, let my brain meander over different possible reactions, puzzle over the ambiguities that are inherent in life.

Are you righteous? Kind? Does your confidence lie in this? Are you loved by all? Know that I was, too. Do you imagine your suffering will be any less because you loved goodness and truth?

besides, james caviezel is so much nicer to look at than tom hanks.
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1:16 PM

i forgot that i actually like cottage cheese. diet lunch is not nearly as onerous as i feared it might be.

i am so supposed to be working for a living at the moment, but instead i am surfing and designing. bad bad bad girl. problem is, i dislike the basic blog template, but my creative brain appears to be on vacation. i need to make this page a little more decorative and add in a link to the baby blog so i can jump around my world more easily. then i need to finish designing the baby blog. i worked on that this morning while on a conference call and while it looks okay -- as a start -- in ie5, it looks like hell in netscape4.7; je deteste netscape.
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9:06 AM

prepare ye for a healthier me.

jim and i started a diet last night, and as a reward for doing so, had copper river salmon for dinner. oh. my. god. the fish is damned expensive but worth every penny. yum. yum. yum.

i, of course, forgot to weigh myself this morning so i have no idea if day one was a success or not. maybe i will just weigh once a week, thereby avoiding that whole obsessive thing that led to bulimia in my misspent youth.

we're also going to quit smoking. much easier for me, as i am down to two a day, so i shall have to be extradoublespecial nice to jim.
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2:35 PM

i used to have this ken doll as a child. i thought i was misremembering the paste-on facial hair, but joanne remembered playing with one as well. voila!! one altavista search later, we have mod hair ken.

joanne and i just spent fifteen minutes laughing ourselves silly looking at all the ken dolls form the past. roller derby ken. disco ken. horse lovin' ken. looking at some of those outfits makes it pretty clear why ken may have developed a sexual identity problem...
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2:35 PM

another imminent death dream:

this time on a plane and it was flying lower and lower but we weren't supposed to be landing. i knew we were going to crash, was completely calm about the matter, and was fully prepared to die. jim and sophie were in the seats next to me so at least i was able to hold them, unlike the exploding mt rainier dream. at the last second, the plane levelled out and gained some altitude.

then i woke up.

i have no idea what all the death dreams are about these days.
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