[choosing my confessions]

fallen from grace jim the bundle of boo cat


7:21 PM

overheard on the television, regarding the exploits of a formerly interred japanese-american:

what he did is the stuff of movies.

that is so sad. that being worthy of a movie -- television, theatrical or whathaveyou -- is the ultimate arbitor of value in today's society.
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2:18 PM

with all the election hype out there, it's refreshing to read of someone winning a truly meaningful battle.
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10:25 AM

i voted. i was not thrilled with the choices, but i did it. then i almost got excited when i saw how close things were; nothing like a close race to rouse my enthusiasm.

[i even like arcane sporting events if they are close: curling, field hockey, pingpong]

now, i am just sick of the whole thing. couldn't care a whit about who wins. will attempt to ignore the presidency for the next four years and then try again in 2004.
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11:37 AM

it's a tragedy that finally, at age 38, i've discovered what i want to do when i grow up.

i want to be a bioarchaeologist.

now to find the time and money to go to school.
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8:57 AM

i blog all the time, in my head. i write pithy, clever, wondrous little tidbits. i amuse myself, and know i will amuse others. unfortunately, there is no blog interface to my brain so all these incredible words are trapped, floating through my brain, sliding up and around the whorls and bends and twists, doing synaptic dances in my mental cage.
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